Spiritual Search and Academic Research
Enlightening Each Other
Experience of Being
The Experience of Being is an overarching feeling-awareness that pervades and serves as a background, container or horizon to self, world and reality as a whole. It is a constant, ever-present part of all of one's experience. It can be likened to a movie screen onto which the movie of our changing experience is projected...
Living Transendence
Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating" (Maslow, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature). A stabilized spiritual state is considered in many religious traditions the desideratum and consummation of the "search for the sacred" (Pargament, 2012). Maslow (1969) called such a state "high plateau" and described it as living "at a constantly high level in the sense of illumination or awakening" (Krippner 1972).
Spiritual Transmission
The term "spiritual transmission" refers to the passing of the state of enlightenment from teacher to student, which takes place in many spiritual traditions. In itself, the transmission is synonymous with the experience of enlightenment. But the fact that the student's experience is rooted in a relationship...
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